We’re happy to announce VACC’s first newsletter!
As our number of VA-BC™s grow, we wanted to help connect you to each other. In this kick-off issue, we hear from VACC President Christopher Frith on the resiliency of our certificants. We also feature a group of nearly 30 vascular access nurses at Madigan Army Medical Center who shared a dedication to themselves, their teammates’ continued learning, and their patients’ wellbeing. Their drive for showing their skills and their passion for vascular access led 25 VAT nurses to be certified in June 2021. You can read their journey in these pages.
We also shine a spotlight our June 2021 certificants and wish good luck to our December 2021 test takers and recertificants.
Take a moment to celebrate with your fellow VA-BC™s and settle in with the VA-BC™ community. Read it here.