About 50% of VA-BCs had their certification exam paid for or reimbursed by their employer, showing that institutions value employees with a validated knowledgebase and a dedication to keeping up with best practice in vascular access.
See how other organizations used their VA-BCCM vouchers in 2024.
Exam vouchers
- 193 vouchers purchased across 35 organizations
- Compare to 2023: 74 vouchers purchased across 11 institutions.
Recertification vouchers
- 16 vouchers purchased across 5 organizations
- All purchased recertification vouchers for the first time
Thank you to the following institutions for valuing your employees’ knowledge and promoting safer patient care through VA-BCCM vouchers!
Ann & Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Atrium Health Brigham and Women’s Hospital Caromont Health Cedar Sinai Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Atlanta Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cleveland Clinic Community Hospital Dynamic Access/Dynamic Infusion Emory Decatur Hospital Emory University Hospital – Midtown FirstHealth Moore Regional Campus FirstHealth of the Carolinas Flagstaff Medical Center Froedtert West Bend and Menomonee Falls HPC International Indiana University Health |
INTEGRIS Health Madigan Army Medical Center Medline Novant Health Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) Parkview Health PICC Access Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego VAST Dept. Sanford Health of Northern MN-Bemidji UofL Health UC-Davis UMC University of Iowa Health Center UPMC – Hamot UVM Medical Center Valley Health Vascular Access Solutions |